Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Happy Bird-day...to YOU!

Grandmama taught me a song. She said everyone is born on a special day and every year you sing them this song. Not only do I like to sing this song, but I made up a little dance, too. This dance requires special skills and is not recommended for people who suffer from motion sickness, vertigo, and/or lack of rhythm.

As you can see, it takes great coordination to sing and dance at the same. I dedicate this video to all the bird-days for each day of the year.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sleeping with the fishes

I mean that literally not figuratively. It's official, I'm finally out of the crib and sleeping in my very own big boy bed. Well, Mom and Pops call it the "big boy bed." I like to say it's my Nemo bed. I love my bed! It goes so well with the fishing/outdoors theme I have going on in my room. My Nemo bed is bright orange and blue (which contrasts with the bright honeydew color walls) with stickers of Nemo and Marlin on the headboard and footboard. Remind me to take pics so you all get a good visualization of it all. Pops was worried I would roll out of bed but it hasn't happened yet. I love living or should I say sleeping on the edge. The cool thing about the bed is that I don't have any bars to hold me back. Not that I really roam around too much like a buffalo in prairie but it's nice to know I have a little bit of freedom. Once it's beddy byes, I'm pretty much out like a light.