Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Autumn Rivulets

It's times like these when I come to realize what a true outdoorsman I have become. I don't think I can really pinpoint which is my favorite season. I love spring because you can see the leaves growing and the flowers blooming. It's such an exciting time of renewal. Summer is always a blast. The is warm and sunny. You can run, play, fish and hike all day long. The sun doesn't go down until 8:30 meaning I get to stay up just a little bit longer. Then fall comes and brings in the brisk cool air. It's a different type of renewal. Everything around me is changing and it feels exciting and new again. I know winter is coming and everyone will be cursing the snow. I on the other hand love the snow. It's so fluffy, soft, and fun!

So today I had the pleasure of raking the leaves in the front yard. What comes off as a chore to Joe the plumber is a real treat for me. Mom even bought me my own rake. I wanted the super big one but I kept on whacking Mom in the knee with it. (Mental note to self: Work on coordination.)

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

America's Best Dance Crew in da house!

Summer came and went pretty quickly. I feel like summer only began a month ago. Well, I've been pretty busy these past few months. I helped mom redecorate the house. I've been building things here and there. Plus, I've discovered my passion for dancing.

I'd like to think I have some street cred since I come from the very far west side of Chi-town. I can totally bring it to the table and then some. My signature move happens to be the donkey kick. Whenever Mom and Pops put on the beats, I gotta throw it down yo!