Without turning around to see who was there he said " It's a big world, huh Pops?"
" Yes Leo...It is." I said quietly.
"Am I going to be ok?"
" Yes Leo...You are."
" But I don't know what to do."
" Everything Leo.... Do everything."
" Will I get hurt out there Pops?"
" Yes Leo... You will."
" Will I be happy?"
" Yes Leo...You will be happy. And the hurt wont matter."
Still without turning around he said " But Pops, I can't even walk yet."
" You will Leo. You will. And you'll run and jump and dance."
" How do you know, Pops?"
" I just know, Leo...I just know.
And I walked to the window and sat on the floor beside him as we both looked out the window in pause.
" That's a bird leo...that's a bird."