Sunday, September 30, 2007

Play date

I had my first real play date with someone other than my cousin. (Becca you know I love you and you're still my favorite play date!) Mom thought it would be good for me to get out of my comfort zone. So we hiked it on over to Ariana's house to play with Michael and Mirabelle.

My nerves were going all crazy and I really didn't know what to make of the situation. I've never really played with other kids. To make me feel somewhat confident, Mom dressed me really cute so I wouldn't feel too dorky. We got to the door and Ariana greeted us. I remember her from Mom's work but I wasn't sure if I was supposed to play with her first and then play with Michael. Very confusing. Then Michael came and I saw he was playing with toys!!!!! Oh how I longed to play with toys, trucks, cars, and baby! Michael was super cool and super nice. We chilled and watched a little Backyardigans. Then we had lunch and with that I had my first juice box. It was super yummy!

Mirabelle took a little catnap but I got to play with her when she woke up. Oh just love babies!!!!! I just wanted to give her hugs and kisses. She's very cuddley like Bo.

Oh did I mention they have 3 cats?!!!! That's just like Grandmama's house minus the one of course. The one kitten was super soft and cute.

So my first play date was pretty cool. We plan on having more play dates in the future. There's nothing like making new friends.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles

The parental unit continue to fuel my love for big trucks. Today there was a festival of trucks at the school. You wouldn't believe all the vehicles that were sitting in the parking lot. Of course, my favorite vehicle, fire truck, was there. I think it was the most popular. I couldn't wait to drive it. Mom put me in the seat but I didn't realize how high it was. Holy cow was the ground pretty far down. I kind of freaked out a bit. Those truck books make it look like the guy is sitting only 2' above the ground instead of 10'. Man, what a misconception. I begged Mom to get me down. As soon as I had my feet hit the pavement, I wanted back up in the truck. What can I say? I'm an adrenaline junky. I live off of fear.

After trying out all the trucks, we went to the playground and had some good quality play time. Nothing says fun like a jungle gym.