Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Eyes Wide Open

I just realized bird-days are full of surprises. Mom and Dad said they are usually a one day festivity but in my case it turned into a 4 day blow out. It started on Thursday at Grandmama's house. I thought it was going to be my usual painting day. Much to my surprise, Grandmama had a cake with candles and presents in the library. Oh how exciting to get my own cake. It was nice to have the whole day devoted to eating it. Besides the cake, the wonderful thing I received from Grandmama and Grandpapa was my own personal Thomas the Train laptop. Now I can work side by side with Grandmama (not Grannie!) when she's doing important work stuff.

The festivities didn't end there. When I got home, I had more CAKE! You can never have too much cake is my motto. I would have been just happy with getting a cake but Dad had something else in store.

At the age of twee, I have my very own bike! Who would have guessed there was something better than cake?

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