I guess daycare, I mean the learning center, is not too bad. It could be worse. I could be in a filthy Chinese prison with roaches and crazy people saying crazy stuff to me. It definitely takes some getting used to. At first I was open to the idea of being with other babies my age and just chilling with them. Now I'm not really sure what to think. I guess I'm so used to spending one on one time with Aunt Gail, Grandmama, and Nonna at various days of the week. Mom and Dad aren't really keen on the idea of daycare but they me tell it's only temporary - for like 5 years. Well, as soon as I start making new friends, I think I'll be just fine.
Halloween was a blast! I got to hand out candy to all the trick or treaters. I didn't see any tricks but I did see some nifty cosutmes. Some kid dressed up as a Sox player and told Mom he was Mark Prior. Well, Mom ratted him out and said he should be wearing red and blue. All I gotta say is, "Gotcha b****!" I didn't dress up as a fisherman as plan. Instead I was a hunter looking for those "wrascally" rabbits. I had my Elmer Fudd hat, orange thermal knit onesie, and camoflauge cords. It was a pretty creative costume. We didn't take pics because Mom and Dad passed out at 8:30 that night. The parental unit said I can go trick or treating next year and they'll eat all my candy for me. Isn't that so nice of them?!!!!! I can hardly wait. I'm already planning my next costume.
It's that time of day which means it's time for a nap!
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