Wednesday, September 27, 2006


As you all know, I've finally started walking. To me it seemed like an over night sensation. To Mom and Pops I'm sure it felt like weeks. I'm really digging this walking thing. It's a lot less rough on the knees and I'm able to carry stuff (i.e. my blanket and roar-roar) place to place. I can't imagine not having roar-roar with me. We have lots of laughs of together and he likes to drink from my sippy cup. I love sharing my water with roar-roar. He makes the funniest slurping noises.

Often times I wrestle with roar-roar just so I can bury my face in his soft, fuzzy fur. He's just the greatest. And you know what really rocks?!!! Roar-roar has a twin brother!!!! Grandmama and I were at Target. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I spotted roar-roar in one of the aisles. Could it be?! Is it he?! Roar-roar! I kept on screaming his name hoping he would look in my direction. Grandmama picked him up and told me to hold onto him. I whispered to him, "Roar- roar, what are you doing here?! I thought you were at home." Then he whispered back, "I'm not the roar-roar you think I am. I'm his twin brother." How shocking is that?!!! It's just like in the soap operas Grandmama watches! What drama! Well, I don't care who he is, I love him just the same.

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