"Yes Leo?"
"Can we have a racing team?"
" A racing team Leo?"
"Yeah. Ya know how we like to race and stuff, right? Well I think we should have our own team. Me, you, Bo...what do you think?"
"Hmmmm..I think you're going somewhere with this."
" Hear me out Pops. The Blue Flame is nice and pretty quick too. But if we had a racing team we could get an even faster car!"
Ok.. I hear you so far. You want us to have a racing team so we can get a faster race car."
" Yes Pops! We deserve this!"
" Ok. Ok. And what would this racing team be called."
" hmmm. Well. How about 'ROAR ROAR Racing Team'?"
" You had this all thought out already didn't you Leo? OK. ROAR ROAR Racing Team it is. What should we call the new race car Leo?"
" Hmmmm..How's about ROARIFICA!?"
" I dunno about ROARIFICA. How's about.....El Scorcho?"
" Ok Pops. I can live with that. El Scorcho it is! Now, Pops, ya know that train we hear every night? What if we buy..."
" Stop."
" Ok. Ok. I had to try Pops."
" I know Leo. Oh, I know."

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