Wednesday, September 27, 2006


As you all know, I've finally started walking. To me it seemed like an over night sensation. To Mom and Pops I'm sure it felt like weeks. I'm really digging this walking thing. It's a lot less rough on the knees and I'm able to carry stuff (i.e. my blanket and roar-roar) place to place. I can't imagine not having roar-roar with me. We have lots of laughs of together and he likes to drink from my sippy cup. I love sharing my water with roar-roar. He makes the funniest slurping noises.

Often times I wrestle with roar-roar just so I can bury my face in his soft, fuzzy fur. He's just the greatest. And you know what really rocks?!!! Roar-roar has a twin brother!!!! Grandmama and I were at Target. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I spotted roar-roar in one of the aisles. Could it be?! Is it he?! Roar-roar! I kept on screaming his name hoping he would look in my direction. Grandmama picked him up and told me to hold onto him. I whispered to him, "Roar- roar, what are you doing here?! I thought you were at home." Then he whispered back, "I'm not the roar-roar you think I am. I'm his twin brother." How shocking is that?!!! It's just like in the soap operas Grandmama watches! What drama! Well, I don't care who he is, I love him just the same.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Out fishing

If I were to have a personal license plate it would say, "Out fishing." I love fishing just as much as Bo Bear likes to play! So Pops found the most brilliant thing at Target. It's a big wooden puzzle with fishes and a fishing pole. I can catch all the fish I want and do it over and over and over and over again! Absolutely fabulous!!!!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sailing the Seas of Leo

Pops has me playing the drums. Got me my own snare drum. Got me my own electronic drums. Got me sticks. Everything.

But..I think I may have a different calling in life Pops.

Pops, you played some funky music for me recently and I really like it. It was done by that Les Claypool guy.

So, Pops...You wouldn't happen to have a bass laying around would you?? I'm just sayin'.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

He's my Hobbes

For Christmas, Pops got me a tiger. I named him roar-roar because that's how he talks. Roar-roar and I do everything together. We crawl to places around the house. He helps me fend off Mom when she's trying to change my diaper. Roar-roar is to me as Hobbes is to Calvin.

One of the best things about roar-roar is that he has this really fluffy, fuzzy beard. What I L-O-V-E to do is dive head first into roar-roar's fluffy face and give him big bear hugs. Since roar-roar is half the size of Bo, I like to crawl over him. Then roar-roar tries to tickle me with his tail.

At night, roar-roar sleeps in my crib with me. It's nice to know I'm proctected from the Boogie Monster. So I found this animation that very much resembles roar-roar. If you move your cursor around, he'll follow you. Usually, it's me following roar-roar but that's just a technicality.

adopt your own virtual pet!

Monday, September 11, 2006

End of summer

Most of the time Pops and I are on the go. And then there's the days when Pops and I just kinda hang out at Lago Casa and play.

I'm sad to see summer coming to a close. I wont get to play in the grass while wearing pajamas anymore. BUT...I am looking forward to raking leaves and then playing in the snow. Dad got a sled which I'm really looking forward too. I'm also looking forward to watching Bears games at Pop's friends houses while eating something called "chili". I'll keep ya posted on that one.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So.. you guys know that mom teaches me the academics, right? And ya also know that Pops is my go-to source for thrills. Ya see, Pops knows that Mom has the "smarts" in check so he feels it's his gig to make sure I'm "worldly". And let me tell you he's doing a smashing good job, chaps!
This past sunday Pops let me get up close and personal to something that I have only heard in the distance every night as I lay in bed....THE TRAIN!!!!
We got on the Metra and headed into downtown Oak Park! We spent a few hours there walking around, making friends, playing in the park, checking out Frank Lloyd Wright buildings( he does do the education thing from time to time) AND..Get THIS..he even took me to a place called a "diner" where we shared a cheeseburger and fries while the waitresses hit on me!!
So..people..I ask you...Does life get any better than this? I mean...I'm not even 2 and I do stuff that some people haven't done in their whole lives!!
Next first boat ride!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Next is running

So I heard Jesus walked across water or was it God? Either way, the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit are one in the same. Well, whoever walked across water, I walked across Grandmama's floors. Well, kind of...sort of. What can I say? I know how to walk but I'm still holding out.

I'm on strike like Jimmy Hoffa's guys.