Thursday, September 14, 2006

He's my Hobbes

For Christmas, Pops got me a tiger. I named him roar-roar because that's how he talks. Roar-roar and I do everything together. We crawl to places around the house. He helps me fend off Mom when she's trying to change my diaper. Roar-roar is to me as Hobbes is to Calvin.

One of the best things about roar-roar is that he has this really fluffy, fuzzy beard. What I L-O-V-E to do is dive head first into roar-roar's fluffy face and give him big bear hugs. Since roar-roar is half the size of Bo, I like to crawl over him. Then roar-roar tries to tickle me with his tail.

At night, roar-roar sleeps in my crib with me. It's nice to know I'm proctected from the Boogie Monster. So I found this animation that very much resembles roar-roar. If you move your cursor around, he'll follow you. Usually, it's me following roar-roar but that's just a technicality.

adopt your own virtual pet!

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