Friday, August 19, 2005

Hey..that guy is upside down! WAAAAAAA!

So I'm layin' there on Mom & Dad's bed. Just kinda lookin' around and whatnot. Basically chilling out til I have to do things like walk and break stuff. I mean, ya have to take the easy times as they come, right? Pretty soon I'll be in school...then get a job.. pay a mortgage...taxes...all that.

But I digress.

So I'm just kickin' back with my head towards the foot of the bed. Normally I'm up by the pillows like normal folks. But today I felt like being a little weird (like Dad) and being all backwards so I could view the ceiling fan from a whole new direction.

All of the sudden I see this big guy standing at the foot of the bed...and from my new vantage point, HE'S UPSIDE DOWN and not readily recognizable as being anyone I know. Remember, I'm still kinda new at this so I'm not really use to seeing things upside down!

Scared the CRAP OUT OF ME! I went into instant wailing siren mode! WAAAAAAAAA WAAAAAAA!! I had real tears and everything! It totaly sucked!

Then all of the sudden I realized it was Dad when he walked around. Mom showed up a couple seconds later and all was right in the world as I put on the feed bag.

People...let me just say that there ain't nothin' like a feed bag to make you forget about your troubles.

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