Monday, August 22, 2005

So fresh, so clean

Mom wanted to take pictures of bath time because she said I would be so fresh, so clean. I don't mind having my picture taken, but I asked Mom to turn off the flash so I don't have the deer in headlights look. I had so much fun that I didn't mind being naked in front of the camera. Mom tickled my toes and squeezed my cheeks to bring the smiles out of me. We had a great time.

There were moments during my bath time photo session where Mom caught me off guard. It looks like I'm making the poop face, but really I'm not. Now that I'm 3 months old, my sphincter muscles have better control when I'm sans diaper and I'm not sharting all over the place.

Our little photo session went so well that Mom decided to take more pictures during tummy time. Look at me! I can hold my head up! Well, for a good 5 minutes. Then my neck muscles start to tense up and my head just flop backs down. It's very frustrating at times. For some reason, I got the deer in headlights look even though Mom turned the flash off.

Well, there's my chub in all its glory...naked and all.

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