Wednesday, December 27, 2006

American Idol eat your heart out!

We all need an anthem in our lives. Mine happens to be the roar-roar song taught to me by my roar-roar friends. It's a great way to let out all that aggression. You can try hitting, but it usually results in having your trucks taken away.

Kudos to my cousin Buzz for the awesome gift. This mic is way better than a cardboard tube! Rock on!

Sledding Part III

Don't worry - this isn't going to turn into some Rocky franchise where we'll have Sledding Part MVII. Really, now. Do you think I'm that obnoxious?

Sledding Part II

Who would have guessed riding a on a big sheet of plastic that would be mistaken for a giant tupperware lid could be so invigorating?! Pops was awesome because he would run super fast and the sled would go super fast. We went around the yard a couple of times and then we toured the pond. Everything looked so pretty in white until we came across a trail of goose poop. :P

Mom really needs to work on her camera skills. Seriously, the shakiness makes me a little cross eyed and dizzy. I think we need to invest in camera track rigging system thingy or hire a professional.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Great White Beyond

A few weeks ago it snowed. How can something so small and so cold be so wonderous? In beginning, the adults were grumbling about something falling from the sky. I would see the weatherman pointing at a pink cloud telling us to make preparations. What is this pink cloud bringing? Honestly, I couldn't understand what the big deal was about nor could I fathom anything else coming from the sky besides rain. (Whenever it rained, Mom said God was watering the earth to make things grow.) Then one day it happened. The ground was blanketed in all this white stuff. I dipped my bare hands in a few times and I was surprised as to how cold it was. That's when I realized there is thing called snow.

Mom and Dad said it was time to go out there. My goodness was there a lot of work involved to get dressed so I could play in the snow. First I had to put on snow pants. After 10 minutes of struggling to get my legs in them, I had to put on boots. Of all the footwear I wear, boots have got to be the coolest thing since instant oatmeal! My boots are black with these big velcro straps going across them. They are da bomb! So it was another 10 minutes of putting the boots on because we had to make sure the jeans were tucked in and my snow pants were pulled over them. Geez! I was ready to throw in the towel but I got my coat on pretty easily.

So there I was, standing right before the snow. It was almost like a stare down. Who was going to wince first? Then Mom just nudged me out there like it was nothing. It freaked me out a little bit. Snow is different from rain. It's cold yet solid but turns wet. What a strange concept. Well, I got over my inhibitions with snow and just went with the flow. What a blast it is playing and taking a ride in it.

I hope we'll get more. I don't ever want to forget about snow.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Giving thanks

So that whole story about the Pilgrims and Indians eating together and sharing that big feast, not true. You'd be shocked about the real thanksgiving. Anyhoo....I had a wonderful turkey day filled with lots of good food. Mom made the most awesome turkey. It was sooooo good I wanted to eat the bones, too! Sure the meat was juicy and flavorful but the bone really got my attention. It was uber saturated with sugar!!!!! What more can a boy ask for?! I know how to eat a drumstick. Really I do, but my sweet tooth got the best of me.

Monday, November 20, 2006


"Yes Leo?"
"Can we have a racing team?"
" A racing team Leo?"
"Yeah. Ya know how we like to race and stuff, right? Well I think we should have our own team. Me, you, Bo...what do you think?"
"Hmmmm..I think you're going somewhere with this."
" Hear me out Pops. The Blue Flame is nice and pretty quick too. But if we had a racing team we could get an even faster car!"
Ok.. I hear you so far. You want us to have a racing team so we can get a faster race car."
" Yes Pops! We deserve this!"
" Ok. Ok. And what would this racing team be called."
" hmmm. Well. How about 'ROAR ROAR Racing Team'?"
" You had this all thought out already didn't you Leo? OK. ROAR ROAR Racing Team it is. What should we call the new race car Leo?"
" Hmmmm..How's about ROARIFICA!?"
" I dunno about ROARIFICA. How's about.....El Scorcho?"
" Ok Pops. I can live with that. El Scorcho it is! Now, Pops, ya know that train we hear every night? What if we buy..."
" Stop."
" Ok. Ok. I had to try Pops."
" I know Leo. Oh, I know."

Friday, November 17, 2006

My how times flies

The stories he tells about his adventures every day are riveting.
Except the one where he tried to flush blankie down the toilet.
But still...I understand. I did worse.
And besides when he starts the story with "DA DA!!" and that big cheesy smile, I find it hard to be anything but happy.
Nevermind that blankie. I'll buy you another one.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

King of the Jungle

Halloween is extra special this year because I got to trick-or-treat with the kids for the first time. How awesome is it to go door to door and get free candy? I didn't get the opportunity to taste the goods but I had an awesome time with Mom, Pops, and Bo. I did get a little stage freight when it came time to go roar-roar, but everyone loved my costume. I think I fooled a lot of people into thinking I was a real lion from the zoo instead of kid dressed up as one. Everyone pointed and said, "Wow!!!! Look at the lion!!!" I would have thought the stroller was a dead giveaway to the fact I wasn't a real lion.

After trick-or-treating, I chilled out at home with my costume on. I didn't want to take it off! It was too much fun being the king of the jungle.

On a side note: Please forgive the poor camera direction. Mom doesn't have the most steady hand and one would think she worked on the Blair Witch Project.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The Animal Kingdom

So Pops and I went to the zoo last weekend. Mom was telling me that I've been to the zoo before but I was still a wee little baby. I really don't remember my first at the zoo but I definitely this time around. It was quite a chilly day but all the animals were out doing their thing. I saw all the roar-roars you could possibly imagine. It was just amazing. I even got to see one face to face! Not only did I have a close encounter with a roar-roar kind, I was this|close to a seal!!!! It was like watching torpedo launch in the water and hone in on you. I think I wanted to get down but I was too mesmerized in watching the seal dart towards me.

After we played with all the animals, Pops took me for my first carousel ride. I'm not big enough to ride the animals to go up and down but I did get to sit with Pops in a bucket. I never would have guessed going in circles could be soooo fascinating.

I would love to go to the zoo everyday and to finish my day off with a ride on the carousel. What more can a boy ask for?!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hugs from Leo


"Yes Leo?"

"You said I could be anything that I want to be when I grow up, right?"

"Yes Leo, as long as it is noble and you help the world somehow. Professional skydiving is out."

" Ok.Well..Pops...I think I know what I want to be when I grow up."

" Really? Ok. Lay it on me."

"Ok. Watch this with me Pops."

" I want to be like that guy!"

"Leo. I think your mom and I approve. That is definately noble and helpful to the world."

" But Pops, I don't know where to start."

" Yes you do Leo. You've already started. Every day when you give us hugs. I tell you what, come over here and practice some more. Gimme a hug."

(Note: The person who started the Free Hugs campaign is Juan Mann from Sydney Australia. A mall worker and member of a local highschool band called Sick Puppies shot the video, set it to music and gave it to Juan shortly after his grandmother died. Read more here . Normally the Chub Factor does not endorse anything not associated directly with Kibby. But Leo felt it necessary to make this exception. Thank you)

Monday, October 09, 2006

I do all my own stunts

Seriously, I think some babies are major cry babies. I really don't understand why they cry like there's spilled milk when they get their ears lowered. To me it's like a day in the park. Pops whips out this contraption that's like a vacuum cleaner for hair. (No! It's not a flowbee!) I believe they call them clippers. Whenever I get my haircut, it always puts me to sleep. Having that buzzing against my head is just soooo soothing. Pops does really good with the clippers. My head still looks as big as Mom's but at least I don't look shaggy anymore.

Friday, October 06, 2006

The King and I

Mom and Pops put up alot of pictures here on The Chub Factor, but I'd like to do something a little different today. I'd like to put up a picture of how I see the world.

I call this next piece "Little Leo and King James"


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Really, I'm just walking the dog

Making it official

Well, I've finally taken the big step into toddlerhood...literally. I'm barely on my belly like a soldier. This walking thing is just fantastic. I'm really loving every moment of it. It just feels good knowing I can go place to place without messing up my knees and being able to hold blanket and roar-roar at the same time. No wonder Mom and Pops were so hot to get me walking. They didn't want me to miss out. So at 16 months, I've officially started walking.

Wind n' Breeze

Don't let the title fool you. This isn't about some fabric softener. I think we all know what an adrenaline junky I am. Love being dipped upside down and having all the blood rush to my head. Stairs don't really scare me. You gotta live life to the fullest! When me and Pops go for car rides, it's really a ride. We have the windows down and just let the wind go at full blast. What a trip! I suggest you all try it sometime - drive with all the windows down.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


As you all know, I've finally started walking. To me it seemed like an over night sensation. To Mom and Pops I'm sure it felt like weeks. I'm really digging this walking thing. It's a lot less rough on the knees and I'm able to carry stuff (i.e. my blanket and roar-roar) place to place. I can't imagine not having roar-roar with me. We have lots of laughs of together and he likes to drink from my sippy cup. I love sharing my water with roar-roar. He makes the funniest slurping noises.

Often times I wrestle with roar-roar just so I can bury my face in his soft, fuzzy fur. He's just the greatest. And you know what really rocks?!!! Roar-roar has a twin brother!!!! Grandmama and I were at Target. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I spotted roar-roar in one of the aisles. Could it be?! Is it he?! Roar-roar! I kept on screaming his name hoping he would look in my direction. Grandmama picked him up and told me to hold onto him. I whispered to him, "Roar- roar, what are you doing here?! I thought you were at home." Then he whispered back, "I'm not the roar-roar you think I am. I'm his twin brother." How shocking is that?!!! It's just like in the soap operas Grandmama watches! What drama! Well, I don't care who he is, I love him just the same.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Out fishing

If I were to have a personal license plate it would say, "Out fishing." I love fishing just as much as Bo Bear likes to play! So Pops found the most brilliant thing at Target. It's a big wooden puzzle with fishes and a fishing pole. I can catch all the fish I want and do it over and over and over and over again! Absolutely fabulous!!!!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sailing the Seas of Leo

Pops has me playing the drums. Got me my own snare drum. Got me my own electronic drums. Got me sticks. Everything.

But..I think I may have a different calling in life Pops.

Pops, you played some funky music for me recently and I really like it. It was done by that Les Claypool guy.

So, Pops...You wouldn't happen to have a bass laying around would you?? I'm just sayin'.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

He's my Hobbes

For Christmas, Pops got me a tiger. I named him roar-roar because that's how he talks. Roar-roar and I do everything together. We crawl to places around the house. He helps me fend off Mom when she's trying to change my diaper. Roar-roar is to me as Hobbes is to Calvin.

One of the best things about roar-roar is that he has this really fluffy, fuzzy beard. What I L-O-V-E to do is dive head first into roar-roar's fluffy face and give him big bear hugs. Since roar-roar is half the size of Bo, I like to crawl over him. Then roar-roar tries to tickle me with his tail.

At night, roar-roar sleeps in my crib with me. It's nice to know I'm proctected from the Boogie Monster. So I found this animation that very much resembles roar-roar. If you move your cursor around, he'll follow you. Usually, it's me following roar-roar but that's just a technicality.

adopt your own virtual pet!

Monday, September 11, 2006

End of summer

Most of the time Pops and I are on the go. And then there's the days when Pops and I just kinda hang out at Lago Casa and play.

I'm sad to see summer coming to a close. I wont get to play in the grass while wearing pajamas anymore. BUT...I am looking forward to raking leaves and then playing in the snow. Dad got a sled which I'm really looking forward too. I'm also looking forward to watching Bears games at Pop's friends houses while eating something called "chili". I'll keep ya posted on that one.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


So.. you guys know that mom teaches me the academics, right? And ya also know that Pops is my go-to source for thrills. Ya see, Pops knows that Mom has the "smarts" in check so he feels it's his gig to make sure I'm "worldly". And let me tell you he's doing a smashing good job, chaps!
This past sunday Pops let me get up close and personal to something that I have only heard in the distance every night as I lay in bed....THE TRAIN!!!!
We got on the Metra and headed into downtown Oak Park! We spent a few hours there walking around, making friends, playing in the park, checking out Frank Lloyd Wright buildings( he does do the education thing from time to time) AND..Get THIS..he even took me to a place called a "diner" where we shared a cheeseburger and fries while the waitresses hit on me!!
So..people..I ask you...Does life get any better than this? I mean...I'm not even 2 and I do stuff that some people haven't done in their whole lives!!
Next first boat ride!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Next is running

So I heard Jesus walked across water or was it God? Either way, the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit are one in the same. Well, whoever walked across water, I walked across Grandmama's floors. Well, kind of...sort of. What can I say? I know how to walk but I'm still holding out.

I'm on strike like Jimmy Hoffa's guys.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Breakfast at Lago Casa

Breakfast can be quite a hoot. In the mornings, I like to practice my vocab with Mom and Pops. Every week I'm adding a new word to the list. Sometimes they're not always words but sounds of all the animals we look at in my books. I can say, "Done!" when I'm finished with my meal and woof like a puppy. This talking thing is quite exciting. Hopefully, I'll be able to converse in the new language I'm learning.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mr. Clean

Mom was using this special, magic stick to pick up Bo's hair and my crumbs off the floor. I'm not really sure what drew me to it - the bright, green color or the fur magically sticking to this small white cloth. I begged Mom to let me give it a try. Finally, she caved in and handed the special, magic stick to me. OMG! It was the coolest thing ever. I didn't want to stop. Dad said the Swiffer Wet Jet is even better. Can't wait to try that one out.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Water sports, racing seats and airplanes...a love story.

You guys know I'm all about the things my Pops is into. Water and handling.

Lemme 'splain.

Me and pops were in the backyard yesterday just chillin on the deck. Pops left the hose out from the last time I was in the pool.

Man, I loves me some pool time!!

So anyway..I see the hose is still laying out, and you guys know me...I just HAVE to figure out how this thing works!

"Pops..wat's dis?"

"That's the garden hose Leo. That's where we get the water from. Can you work it?"

"gimme a minute Pops...I'll figure this thing out."

" I have no doubt Leo..I have no doubt."

" HEY POPS!!!"

"Yes Leo?"

"GOT IT!!!"

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ahhhh... good times and cool water on a warm summer day. it just doesn't get any better than this.

And in other news:

Pops drives a race car. So..we both felt that I needed a racing seat. My old seat was cool but it just wasn't race worthy. I mean, it faced backwards for Pete's sake! Do you see Mario Andretti driving backwards?? I think not.

But..then again..I guess Mario doesn't fall asleep at the wheel either. Shhh...don't tell anyone.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Man..that is one comfortable racing seat. Hey!! Driving a race car is hard work!

And finally..this:

Pops wants me to have it better than he did when he was younger. I guess all parents want that. So while at SuperTarget the other night he bought me something.

Ya see...Pops had this thing called a Big Wheel when he was younger. He said it was fun but it broke alot. Plus he was limited by being on the ground. He wanted me to have something that is a step up from a Big Wheel. So..knowing my love of saying "ooooh! ooooh!! oooohh!" and pointing to the sky anytime I hear an airplane go over head....(you guys ready for this?)...


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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Now...If you'll excuse me I have to drive my Ferrari to the airport where I will fly my personal airplane to my very own beach. Ta' ta'.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Ludicrous speed

Pops and I have good times together. One of our favorite activities is to go bikeriding through Fermi Lab. Makes for a great adventure because we get to see all sorts of wildlife (i.e. where the buffaloes roam) and pick pine cones. Pops said Mom used to have a pine cone collection when she was a kid. Anyhoo...So Pops pedals the bike while I get towed in this tent with wheels. It's really cool because the canopy top is removeable for those nice sunny days and I don't have look out of a plastic window. The ride is a bit bumpy, but the exciting views definitely make up for it. I especially love it when we go at mach speed and attempt to go ludicrous speed. You can really feel the G's on your face.

May the schwartz be with you!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Aged like fine wine

As I get a little older each month, I find myself to be quite the babe magnet. I don't want to sound cocky since I do come from a humble background and the parental unit likes to keep it real. But it's really hard for me not to go to a store and get some type of smile from the ladies. One time at Target, I had the cashier and a customer fighting over who I smiled at first. Crazy ain't it?! Mom said it must be the dimples and the way my eyes twinkle when I flash my smiley face. Everyone keeps on telling me I'm going to be a heartbreaker. I really don't want to develop that type of reputation. I would like to think of myself as a good guy like Pops.

This year has been going by like grease lightening. I already had my first haircut, celebrated my birthday, have 8 or 9 teeth going on, and very close to walking. I thought time would have slowed down by now so I can enjoy all these little moments and milestones. Time has gone by too quickly that Mom regrets not taking more pictures. She said that I have changed so much and don't really resemble much of a baby. I guess I'm a boy now. Although, I still have to get my potty book so I can pee like the big boys.

Anyhoo....I'll be posting pics and updating people profiles (especially since Mom isn't my number one and only source of food and Pops is with me all weekend).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Big Dog

" Pops. Can I have a doggy?"
" Sure Leo... you can have a doggy. What kind?"
" A big one. I want a big dog, Pops."
" Hmmm.. How big?"
" Big as you Pops!"
" Ok Leo. We'll get you a doggy as big as me."

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"Thanks Pops!"
" Anytime Leo...anytime."

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

A big world.

As I started to walk into the bedroom on the 2nd floor I stopped as to try to not disturb the beautiful scene I was witnessing. I was trying to be quiet enough so that maybe he couldn't hear me standing there.
Without turning around to see who was there he said " It's a big world, huh Pops?"
" Yes Leo...It is." I said quietly.
"Am I going to be ok?"
" Yes Leo...You are."
" But I don't know what to do."
" Everything Leo.... Do everything."
" Will I get hurt out there Pops?"
" Yes Leo... You will."
" Will I be happy?"
" Yes Leo...You will be happy. And the hurt wont matter."
Still without turning around he said " But Pops, I can't even walk yet."
" You will Leo. You will. And you'll run and jump and dance."
" How do you know, Pops?"
" I just know, Leo...I just know.

And I walked to the window and sat on the floor beside him as we both looked out the window in pause.
" That's a bird leo...that's a bird."

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Here fishy,fishy,fishy. pops is a big time fisherman, right? He is even making quite the fisherman out of me. We go to the lake sometimes and have a blast! I also have lots of fish toys , my own little aquarium and even a playpen that has fish on it. We're all about the outdoors, Pops and me.
Last weekend Pops says to me "'s time you learn what it's like to be a fish."
" But Pops, I know all about the fishies. I see them all the time. I play with my fish toys. You and I even go fishing."
" No's time to be a fish."
And off we went to some place called a "pool".
We got there and had the whole place to ourselves. We changed into our swimsuits and got into the big fishtank-looking-thingy full of water.
Three words people: OH. MY. GOD! Talk about FUN!! I never knew water could be this much fun. I mean, the bath tub is great but THIS was AWESOME!! I can't wait to go back again! Pops said that there's a private pool where we live and this thing called a whirlpool too. I think we're going there as soon as it opens!
Pops had a camera with and was able to take a couple pictures. Thanks to a very nice person in the pool who helped us get some shots of Pops and I having fun in the water!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Dig it!

Yeah, huh? Check it out! I gots me a new 'do courtesy of Pops and his clippers. I wasn't even scared or nuthin'. I was chillin in my tub ( NO!..there wasn't water in it. What do you think Pops is, crazy!) and playing with some toys while Pops did his thing and made me all slick for the chicks. out! There's a new boss in town. And his name is Kibby!

To Mom and Pops.

Dear Mom and Pops,
Remember, I love you guys with all my heart.
I'm just sayin'.
Ya know.. because sometimes we all need to hear that.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Rubber ducky, you're the one!

Bath times are a blast! I don't know what makes bath time the best thing E-V-E-R. Ok, I lied. I know what makes bath time awesome - the SPLASHING! Who knew this clear fluid can be sooooo much fun. I mean really? What's better than hearing your hands splash in the water and watching it fly all over the place? Nonna tried to distract me from splashing by giving me a rubber ducky. Didn't work too well. I found out the rubber ducky makes a bigger splash than my own hands.

Lately, there's been much talk of me getting a haircut in the very near future. Pops is always telling me that he will take me to The Barber very soon. Sounds kind of dangerous if you ask me. I'm not really sure how I feel about something that's attached to me getting lopped off. Mom said hair doesn't have feeling so I shouldn't fret. I do find the idea of getting a haircut somewhat appealing since I'm starting to wake up with the Phil Spector hairdo. My curls get all wild and go this way and that. I don't think the ladies really dig that. Next time Pops goes to The Barber, I will make a visit, too.

Do you smell what I'm cooking?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Fun with Pops

I'm calling myself lucky. Lucky because I get to hang out with my Pops alot and bond. Ya see, my pops isn't one of these dads who is afraid to bring me out with him. Nor is he the kind of dad who will sit me in a chair or my Lion's Den (playpen) all day long. Nope..not my Pops. We do stuff! Lots of stuff!

Every weekend we go shopping at places like Super Target, Dominick's and Jewell. I'm always the center of attention at these places. It's great! We also go for walks and see trees, birds, animals and all kinds of other cool stuff. Pops tells me all about everything we see. I learn why trees grow so tall, why birds fly so high, why the sky seems to go on forever.

We also take pictures. Lots of pictures! Pops loves his camera and even when he doesn't have that he always has his cell phone which has a camera built into it! How cool is that? It even shoots videos of me when I do things like open and close doors and crawl across the floor!

Chow time is always a blast too. Pops has this trick. Ya see, I like fruits. So when I get tired of the chicken/vegetable stuff, he coats it with a generous helping of fruit based baby food. Thnik apricot chicken and you'll get the basic idea. Pops is a bit of a chef so he gets the mixture down just right.

Sometimes after chow time we do fun stuff like make faces at each other! Like this!

We also go fishing alot! I'm in the learning phase first. Pops tells me that first I need to observe nature to be able to master it. So I get to watch him and Uncle Mike catch fish and explain what to do and how to put the fish back carefully. They tell me that if I respect nature, nature will be kind to me. I like that.

Here's a picture from one of my fishing trips!

Pops brings me to other cool places to learn about stuff too. This past weekend he took me to a place called Cantigny where we went to a museum to learn histroy. We even got to walk around these things called tanks. Pops said that when I hear the word "INCOMING!" I have to duck and cover. Like this.

Well that's it for now. I better go get some rest. Pops says we have a big weekend planned. He said we may go see my friends the bears and the lions. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Fava beans and chianti

Mom and I had a nice dinner with cousin Beth. She cooked us a wonderful meal which Mom did not share with me. I really don't know why because I eat the same stuff as big people only a different consistancy. Oh well. There will be plenty of opportunities for me to eat big people food off of big people dinnerware.

Beth was kind enough to share her Pound Puppy with me that I got to nibble on his noise again. Pound Puppy and I said our hellos and then it was off to business. I'm thinking Mom and Pops should get me a Pound Puppy of my own to nibble on but then again...I already have a pride of lions, a tiger, a gigantic dog, a puppy, a boa constricter, and lot of fish stuffies in my room. I think Mom and Pops might be a little hesitant in getting me another stuffy to add to the collection. Soemtimes you can have too much of a good thing.

It's been awhile since Beth saw me and she hasn't seen the things I've been able to do. I taught her how to do patty cake. Beth is a very fast learner. She made patty cake seem so easy. Then I showed Beth soooo big which made her giggle. After our post dinner playtime we looked at the wedding pictures. I know Mom was very excited to go through the albums and so was I. Lots of pretty colors in the pictures. Mom kept on turning the pages too fast for me so I tried to go back. I think I missed a lot of pictures. In between trying to looking at the pictures and trying to turn the pages, Mom kept on sticking the bottle in front of my face. I was starting to get a little frustrated because I really didn't want the bottle. I just wanted to turn the pages in the photo album. On top of that I was getting tired. Frustration + sleepy = cranky. Not a good way to end the evening. So Mom quickly got me ready to go home and waved bye to Beth. I really didn't want to leave but dreamland was calling. I pretty much feel alseep in the car on the way home. Overall, it was a fun time! Hopefully, I'll get to see John next time and show him my hyperactive kicking penguin moves.

Today is my doctor's appointment. I usually end up with a boo face from there because the doctor sends his cohorts to stick sharp things in my legs. Not a very nice experience if you ask me. So wish me luck today. May be I'll be able to fend them off this time.

I am not a human pin cushion.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

That's hot.

As promised, Mom took pictures of my new car. We got it detailed inside and out for the photo shoot. I couldn't have been any prouder of my baby. Mom said I have to learn the rules of the road before I actually take my car around town. Always have your hands at 10 and 2. I can't really tell time yet so I don't think that rule applies to me. Then she said the biggest pet peeve of hers is when people don't use their turning signals when changing lanes or turning. She said that's just people being lazy and rude. So I've been really good about using my turning signals for everything. I'm kind of bummed out that my car didn't come with a CD player. Isn't that a standard factory built-in? We had to wait three weeks for my car and all I get are country music stations. Oh well. I can't really complain because I love my car. It's like the best E-V-E-R!

How many babies do you know that get a Ferrari before their first birthday?! Eat that Paris!

Monday, February 27, 2006

The dog and pony show

I know Mom and Pops contemplate getting a puppy, but there really is no need to have another pet around when they have me. I mean, why train a pet to do cute tricks if I can do them better and way cuter? There's the "Soooooo big!" trick where I raise my arms way high whenever I hear "Sooooooo big!" It's a real crowd pleaser since I can pretty much do it on queue and my face gets all squished as if I'm making big poops. Plus, it gives me a good chance to stretch out.

We missed going to the auto show this year due to scheduling conflicts. Somehow Mom and Pops still managed to buy me a car. It's pretty schweeeet. My speed machine is red like cousin Steve's car. The car was imported from Indiana and Mom said it took forever to get here since it was custom. Well, here's the lowdown on my schweeeet ride:

  • 3.6 liter V8 engine with 85mm bor, 79mm stroke, 11 compression ratio, double overhead cam, variable valve timing/camshaft and five valves per cylinder
  • Multi-point injection fuel system
  • 4 wheel ABS
  • 4 disc brakes including 4 ventilated discs
  • Electronic brake distribution
  • Electronic traction control via engine management
  • Immobilizer
  • Limited slip differential
  • Responsive suspension
  • Wishbone front and rear suspension independent with stabilizer bar and coil springs
  • Projector beam lens halogen bulb headlights
  • Luxury trim alloy on mirrors and base
  • Audio system with AM/FM
  • 360 degree dashboard console
  • One seater with 360 degree swivel and pre-tensioners
  • Vanity mirror hidden under gas cap
  • Ventilation system with recirculation setting and micro filter
  • Wind deflector behind seat
  • Cell phone attachment
  • Powered side view mirror
  • Fixed traffic light device (so I get all the greens)

Makes me wonder if it really came from Indiana or Italy. Sounds too good to be made by hoosiers/boilermakers if you ask me. Well, Mom and Pops will have to take a pic of me driving my set of wheels. For a one seater, I'm still capable of taking puppy and my lions around town. Like Pops said, "Jerry was a race car driver." Not really sure who this Jerry dude is but he wasn't driving my car. Poor ol' chap.

Got my motor running.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My father's son

Mom says I'm 99% Dad and 1% her. Don't believe me? Well, I'm here to prove the skeptics wrong and reaffirm the believers. The pictures couldn't be any more different than identical twins separated at birth. Everyday when I look at Dad, it's like looking in a mirror (without the beard of course). At least I know what I'm going to look like 30 years from now. Not bad I say.

Guess who is who. ;)

For months now, I've been practicing how to wave good-bye. *Queue in Rocky theme song* All those moments of having Nonna and Grandmama shaking my arm up and down have paid off. Mom and I got up early this morning to pack Dad a lunch and to see him off to work. All of a sudden, my arm started moving up and down. "Bye, Pops! Have a nice day at work," I said. There I was, waving good-bye to my dad! I couldn't believe how easy it was! After Dad closed the door, I was beside myself. Elated I was able to wave good-bye but at the same time I was saddened by the fact Dad had to go away. Well, as Mom puts it, "Good-bye is just another opportunity to say hello."

My list of accomplishments seem to be growing. I can sit up, feed myself (a big mess is usually involved), crawl, talk, and wave good-bye. I'm definitely on the path to progress.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Backpack! Backpack! LOUDER!!!

Every morning, I watch Dora the Explorer as I have my post oatmeal bottle. I don't really like Dora as much as I enjoy watching her little monkey friend solve those crazy puzzles. Mom says Dora is an insult to the Latin community since she only says two Spanish words - hola and rojo. Nevermind the fact that Dora has to scream at everyone and everything. As I was trying to tell Mom, anyone who tries to rescue Ice Cream Truck out of the ditch can't be that bad. I was trying to help Dora solve the bridge puzzle this morning and she just wouldn't listen. Dora kept on yelling, "CIRCLE!!!" Meanwhile I'm trying to say, "Triangle!" The girl just doesn't get it. No wonder she needs a talking backpack to get through life. I really don't know how she gets out of bed in the morning.

So Nonna and Grandmama have taught me a knew game called patty cake, patty cake. It's really neat because when you put your hands together really hard you make this clapping sound. It's the coolest thing next to sucking on my toes. I can patty cake to songs and during meal times. Who knew hands were so entertaining?!

I enjoy eating as much as Mom and Pops, and I think my teeth know it. Instead of getting 2 teeth at the top, I'm getting 4. It's been a little painful and teething makes me crap in my pants a little more than usual. So it's not the most comfortable experience. Try to imagine having shooting pain in your gums and sitting in mushy poo while trying to keep the bottle from falling onto the floor. See what I mean?! Mom says the teething will be going away soon and the only thing I'll have to worry about is Puppy running away from me.

You all thought Mom was typing all this in for me. I may not be able to type as fast as her but I do my own stunts.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Lyrically speaking

So I've been working on some songs during my downtime from eating, pooping, and drooling. When Mom is in the kitchen I'll throw a couple of songs at her to get some feedback. She tells me that I may be onto something (i.e. some type of musical career). I usually get my musical inspirations from Dad. He'll play the Deftones, Smashing Pumpkins, or the Beastie Boys while he's make a big ol' pot of sauce or whatever. I like most of the stuff Mom and Pops play since I can't help but kick along to the beat. (On a side note: Jessica Simpson makes me C-R-I-N-G-E. Someone please tell Mom to burn that cd.) Pops said I have natural rhythm. Hopefully, I'll get my own drum kit when I'm able to sit up on my own. May be when I'm good enough, John will let me play for his band. Or may be I'll just be a one man show like Bob Dylan. Who knows. All I know is that I dig music and I can't enough of it.

I'm too cool for school.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Eviction notice

I have some new residents in my room. Looks like Mr. Sun, Mr. Frog, and Mr. Bunny were served papers and had a 10 day notice to find a new place. Mr. Bunny called and said they found a place in the basement. Sure sounds damp, cold, and icky to me. I do miss those guys and our little AM conversations. I especially miss singing our little morning song. Oh well. I guess that's life. People come and people go. Seems like a harsh lesson to learn in this difficult world. Anyhoo....

As I was saying...we have some new residents in my room. Mr. Tiger, Mr. Lion, and Puppy have taken up occupancy. Mr. Tiger kind of keeps to himself and just chills in the corner by the closet. I think he's trying to stalk some prey. Hopefully, it's not me he's after. Mr. Lion on the other hand is very clingy. He always wants to nap next to me or on my lap. He's sooooo cuddley and furry with his wild mane. Mr. Lion even taught me how to roar, which was pretty cool. Then there's Puppy. He's so small. I carry him from place to place so he won't get lost. Don't worry. Puppy is nothing like Paris Hilton's Tinkerbell. I do not exploit my pets and friends like her.

I've recently reached a new baby milestone. During the last couple days, I've been eating from my high chair! Mom and Pops are so proud of me. I haven't really tried out my high chair since Thanksgiving because I kept on slumping over. Now I can sit up in my chair and enjoy my meals like the big people do. I feel I'm making good progress into toddlerhood.

I think I might have to change the title of my blog soon. A lot of my baby fat has dissolved and the only thing remaining are my big, chunky thighs. So I guess I'll be brainstorming a new, clever title. I'm very attached to The Chub Factor since its conception. It was so me and it still feels like me even though I don't really look the part.

Oh well. I'll just continue stuffing my face with bananas, oatmeal, turkey, and vegetables with bottles of formula tossed in for good measure.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Year of the lion

So 2005 came to a close. I must say, I think I've accumulated many interesting experiences in my short life. Like any good host of The Daily Show here are my top 5:

Eggroll! I believe Mom says it best when she pronounces it as "EGGWOLLLLLLLL!!!!!!" (She always gets this crazy look in her eyes like O-Ren Ishii when she says it.) I have went from immobile to rolly polly in a matter of months. It's a nice change of pace to roll from one end of the blanket to the other. For some crazy reason Pooh Bear runs away from me so I can't take his blanket, but I always catch up to him. That honey belly of his just slows him down. I'm trying to progress into crawling, but my legs don't quite go underneath my tushy yet.

Fish On! I definitely have the fishing gene in me. I got several big catches on Halloween. Mom and Dad were so impressed with my top water skills they took pics of my achievement. I caught a walleye, a muskie, and a bass in one afternoon. John Gillespie would be freaking out!

Toofers! I finally got some teeth going. After many painful nights of suffering, my bottom teeth came out. I don't really get to use them much since my food is on the soft and mushy side, but they do look cute on me. ;) Mom says to use teeth for food only and not on people. I'm not really sure what that means since I don't really have much of a cannibalistic attitude. May be I'll bite on Pooh Bear's ear but that doesn't really count since he's a Pooh Bear.

My thumb, my savior! I've discovered the wonders of sucking my thumb. It took me a while to figure it out but in the end I feel I've been rewarded and then some. Who knew that the opposable thumb could bring such splendor and enjoyment?! When I'm upset or cranky, there's my thumb. When I'm hungry but not quite starving, there's my thumb. When I need to go beddy byes, there's my thumb. So here's to the opposable thumb!

Da!Da!Da! So I have the language skills of a 30 year old but I speak like an 8 month old. I am able to put together complex sentences even though I only have the ability to say, "Da!Da!Da!" It amazes me how language barriers are broken. Whether I'm with Grandmama, Nonna, Mom, or Pops, they all seem to understand what I'm saying. I must admit, there are times when there's a miscommunication. I'll tell Mom I want Ducky but she ends up bringing me Puppy. Oh well. It's just something we have to work on. There are times when Pops has caught me serenading to Mom in the kitchen with my DaDaDas and some BaBaBas tossed in between.

So that's my year in review. I guess my resolutions for 2006 would have to be blogging more often, getting cuter everyday, saying real words, and walking.